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Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore

Ksharsutra Treatment Piles, Fissure, Fistula

Introduction to Kshar Sutra

Are you looking for an effective and non-invasive solution for common anorectal issues such as piles, fissures, and fistulas? Kshar sutra treatment will help you to get rid from all anorectal diseases. This ancient Ayurvedic technique uses a specially crafted thread made from medicinal herbs known for their strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Adyant Ayurveda is proud to offer the best Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore. The thread is gently inserted into the affected area and remains in place for a few days. It is gradually tightened to sever the affected tissues, providing safe and effective relief. The most appealing aspect is this treatment is a budget-friendly and trustworthy alternative to surgery, boasting a proven history of success for centuries in India and beyond. Kshar Sutra: Effective Ayurvedic Treatment offers the healing you need! 

Explanation of Ksharsutra

For many years, the benefits of traditional medicine have been recognized and accepted all over the world. One such method is ksharsutra, an ancient Ayurvedic treatment that has gained fame for its effectiveness in addressing medical issues like fistula and piles. The approach employs a specially formulated medicated thread composed of various herbs and chemicals. When inserted into the affected area, it gradually cuts through the tract while simultaneously aiding in wound healing. Patients globally now favor ksharsutra therapy because it is safe, painless, and minimally invasive. The recovery period is considerably shorter compared to surgical options, and it poses no known side effects – rendering it both cost-effective and appealing for those seeking non-surgical solutions.

A Brief History of Ksharsutra

The Ksharsutra represents an ancient Indian surgical method originating from the Vedic period, and it is a remarkable and effective treatment for the painful anal condition known as fistula-in-ano. What sets this treatment apart is its non-surgical and minimally invasive nature. So, how does it function? The Ksharsutra involves using a medicated thread composed of a combination of herbs, minerals, and metals. Upon insertion into the fistula tract, the thread acts like a cutting instrument, slicing into the tissues while simultaneously eliminating harmful bacteria. Conducted under anesthesia, this procedure has a high success rate with minimal chances of recurrence. This quality makes it the preferred option for both patients and healthcare providers. With centuries of successful application in Ayurvedic medicine, the Ksharsutra has earned global recognition for its effectiveness and remains a top choice for treating fistula-in-ano. Adyant Ayurveda is offering the Best Ksharsutra treatment in Bangalore administered by skilled Ayurveda doctors

 Importance of Ksharsutra in the treatment of various diseases

This alternative medical procedure involves inserting medicated threads made from plant extracts and minerals into the affected area. Ksharsutra is an ancient Indian surgical practice that has recently gained traction for its effectiveness in treating various ailments. It employs a medicated thread for chronic conditions such as fistula-in-ano, piles, and anal fissures. Ksharsutra is a minimally invasive method that is both safe and effective in delivering long-term results. Numerous studies have verified its effectiveness in treating these conditions, and it is widely accepted by healthcare professionals around the globe. With the rising interest in natural and comprehensive health approaches, ksharsutra presents a safe, effective, and affordable alternative. It exemplifies how traditional medical practices can remain relevant in contemporary healthcare and considerably contribute to the treatment of various diseases.

How Kshar Sutra (Thread) is prepared?

Kshar Sutra, also referred to as Kshara Sutra or Medicated Seton, is an Ayurvedic para-surgical technique primarily used for anorectal disorders like fistula-in-ano. Here’s a brief overview of its preparation:

  1. 1. Ingredients: The primary components include:  – Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia) latex  – Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera) ash  – Haridra (Turmeric) powder
  2.  Process:  – A surgical linen thread is the base.  – This thread is coated with a medicinal paste in several layers.  – Each layer is allowed to dry before applying the next one.  – This coating process is repeated multiple times (typically 11-21 times).
  3. Coating procedure:  – The initial seven coatings are typically done with Snuhi latex.  – The subsequent three coatings use Snuhi latex mixed with Apamarga ash.  – The final coating consists of Snuhi latex, Apamarga ash, and Haridra powder.
  4. Drying: After each coating, the thread is dried in a sterile environment.
  5. Sterilization: The final product is sterilized before it is used.

Ksharsutra Treatment Process

This section will provide an overview of the Kshar Sutra treatment for the conditions you have mentioned.

  1. The general procedure for Kshar Sutra Treatment involves:  – Cleaning the area and applying local anesthesia.  – Passing the Kshar Sutra thread through the fistulous tract or tying it around the affected tissue.  – Changing the thread regularly (usually on a weekly basis) until the condition improves.  – The alkaline nature of the thread gradually erodes the affected tissue while promoting healing.
  2. Kshar Sutra Treatment for Piles (Hemorrhoids):  – For external piles, the thread is tied at the base of the hemorrhoid.  – For internal piles, the thread is applied using a proctoscope.  – The thread gradually cuts through the pile mass while promoting healing.  – This treatment usually takes 1-3 weeks, depending on the size of the hemorrhoid.
  3. 3. Kshar Sutra Treatment for Anal Fissure:  – The medicated thread is placed at the base of the fissure.  – It aids in draining any infection and promotes the healing of the fissure.  – The treatment also helps relax the anal sphincter, which reduces pain and spasms.  – This process typically takes about 2-3 weeks.
  4. 4. Kshar Sutra Treatment for Anal Fistula:  – The thread is inserted through the entire fistulous tract.  – It is tied loosely to create a loop.  – The thread is changed weekly, gradually cutting through the fistula tract.  – As it progresses, it also promotes healing from the base of the tract.  – The treatment duration varies based on the length and complexity of the fistula, typically lasting from 4-8 weeks.In all instances, the treatment is typically conducted on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return to their normal activities relatively quickly. The main advantages of this technique are claimed to be minimal discomfort, low recurrence rates, and the preservation of anal sphincter function. If you would like to receive the best Ksharsutra treatment in Bangalore please visit the Adyant Ayurveda branch closest to you and consult a senior Ayurveda doctor

How Ksharsutra Helps in Healing Different Diseases ?

Ksharsutra is a medicated thread used in Ayurvedic medicine that assists in healing various diseases due to its unique properties and application techniques. Below is an explanation of how Ksharsutra aids in the healing of different conditions:

 Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore for Anal Fistula: Ksharsutra is particularly effective in treating anal fistula, a condition marked by an abnormal connection between the anal canal and the outer skin around the anus. The Ksharsutra is placed in the fistula tract, and its medicated coating targets the diseased tissue. Its alkaline properties assist in necrotizing and cleaning the unhealthy tissues and encouraging healing. The thread is changed regularly, gradually eroding and healing the fistula tract from the inside out until full recovery is achieved.

Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore for Hemorrhoids (Piles): Ksharsutra treatment is advantageous for hemorrhoids, which are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the anal region. The medicated thread is tied at the base of the hemorrhoid, cutting off its blood flow. This results in the shrinkage of the hemorrhoids and aids in their healing. The alkaline properties of Ksharsutra also help to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote overall healing in the affected area.

Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore for Pilonidal Sinus: This treatment is applicable for pilonidal sinus, characterized by the formation of an abscess or cyst in the natal cleft (the area between the buttocks). The thread is inserted into the sinus tract and is changed gradually, promoting healing. The alkaline coating of the thread aids in infection reduction, encourages the formation of granulation tissue, and assists the closure of the sinus tract.

Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore for Wound Healing: Ksharsutra can be used in treating chronic and non-healing wounds. Its alkaline properties assist in debriding and cleansing the wound by removing necrotic tissues and encouraging healthy tissue growth. Regularly changing the thread helps maintain a clean and protected wound, supporting the healing process..   

Ingredients Used in Ksharsutra

Ksharsutra is an Ayurvedic method that treats anal fistula and piles. It uses a medicated thread known as Ksharsutra, which is created by coating the thread with specific Ayurvedic ingredients. Common ingredients found in Ksharsutra include Snuhi Ksheer, Kshar Sutra, Apamarg Kshar, and Haritaki. Snuhi Ksheer is a milk extract derived from the Euphorbia Neriifolia plant, known for its strong wound-healing properties. Kshar Sutra is a unique type of thread coated with Ayurvedic alkaline substances, which assist in wound healing. Apamarg Kshar is derived from the Achyranthes Aspera plant and promotes fast healing of fistulas. Haritaki, or Terminalia Chebula, is a powerful herb included in Ksharsutra to combat infection and inflammation related to fistulas and piles. Together, these ingredients effectively alleviate anal fistula and Piles

.Preparation of Ksharsutra

The preparation of Ksharsutra is a critical process that demands careful attention and precision. Ksharsutra is a medicated thread crafted from various herbs and alkalis. The process begins with the careful selection of suitable herbs, which are then thoroughly washed to eliminate any impurities. These herbs are ground into a fine powder and blended with the required proportions of alkalis. Following that, a cotton thread is soaked in this mixture and allowed to dry in a shaded area. This procedure is repeated multiple times until the desired thread thickness is attained. Eventually, the Ksharsutra is coated with medicinal herbs such as Haridra, Daruharidra, and Snuhi Ksheera to enhance its therapeutic benefits. Expertise and experience are essential in the preparation of Ksharsutra, and adherence to traditional methods is critical to ensure optimal effectiveness.

How Does Ksharsutra Work?/ Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore

Ksharsutra operates through a combination of mechanical, chemical, and therapeutic actions to address various conditions, primarily anal fistula, hemorrhoids, and pilonidal sinus. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Ksharsutra functions:

Mechanical Action: Ksharsutra is a specialized thread inserted into the affected area, such as the fistula tract or the base of hemorrhoids. The thread is a tool for cutting and draining. In cases of anal fistula, the thread gradually cuts through the fistula tract, assisting the drainage of pus and other accumulated materials. This mechanical action aids in the removal of diseased tissue and supports the healing process.      

Chemical Action: The thread used in Ksharsutra is coated with medicinal substances, which may include alkaline components, herbal extracts, and minerals. These coatings have antimicrobial properties that help minimize infection, control microbial growth, and create a clean environment conducive to healing. The alkaline characteristic of the coating supports the debridement (removal of dead tissue) and cleaning of the affected area.

Therapeutic Action: Ksharsutra has therapeutic effects on the affected tissues. The medicinal coating of the thread targets diseased tissues, promoting healing while reducing inflammation. The therapeutic properties of the herbal extracts and other components in the coating assist tissue regeneration, wound healing, and decrease the likelihood of recurrence. Besides, the alkaline nature of the thread assists in promoting granulation tissue formation, essential for closing wounds and tracts.

Selective Action: A key benefit of Ksharsutra is its selective action. The medicated coating of the thread focuses on affected tissues while preserving the healthy surrounding tissues. This targeted approach helps minimize harm to the anal sphincter muscles and lowers the risk of complications, such as incontinence.

Gradual Healing and Cutting: Ksharsutra treatment requires regular changing of the thread at designated intervals. As the thread is replaced, it cuts through the tissues, eliminating unhealthy portions and stimulating fresh tissue growth. This gradual cutting and healing process promotes the complete closure and recovery of the affected area, such as the fistula tracts or hemorrhoid tissues.

How Ksharsutra Aids in Healing Various Diseases?

 Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore

Ksharsutra is a medicated thread crafted from various herbal and mineral extracts, frequently used in Ayurveda for treating a range of diseases. This thread is made by repeatedly dipping it in a mix of Snuhi Ksheer (the latex of Euphorbia nerifolia), Haridra Powder (Turmeric/Curcuma longa), and Apamarga Kshara (Achyranthes aspera). After preparation, the thread is dried in the sun and soaked in specific oils before use, followed by rubbing it with certain powders. In Ayurvedic medicine, Ksharsutra is primarily used for different types of fistulas, fissures, and hemorrhoids. It is also effective for treating other conditions such as pilonidal sinus, warts, haemangiomas, cysts, and neoplastic growths. The medicated thread is particularly effective in addressing these ailments due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties. Overall, Ksharsutra is a essential component in the healing process of numerous diseases, marking it as an important tool in Ayurvedic practices.

Benefits of Ksharsutra Treatment/ Ksharsutra Treatment in Bangalore

Ksharsutra treatment is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy that employs a medicated thread, providing numerous advantages for various health conditions. Below are some key benefits of Ksharsutra treatment:

Effective Healing: Ksharsutra treatment demonstrates high effectiveness in promoting healing, especially in cases like anal fistula, hemorrhoids, and pilonidal sinus. The medicated thread targets the affected tissues, aiding their healing and closure. It works to reduce inflammation, manage infection, and encourage healthy tissue regeneration.

Minimally Invasive: Ksharsutra treatment is less invasive when compared to traditional surgical methods. It is typically performed on an outpatient basis, generally using local anesthesia, without requiring general anesthesia. The procedure entails a small incision for thread insertion, which results in reduced pain, minimal scarring, and faster recovery times.

 Preservation of Sphincter Function: One of the key advantages of Ksharsutra for treating anal fistulas is its ability to preserve sphincter function. The thread selectively targets the infected tissues, promoting healing and closure of the fistula while limiting damage to the adjacent healthy tissues and anal sphincter muscles. This decreases the likelihood of complications, such as fecal incontinence.

Low Recurrence Rate: Ksharsutra treatment is associated with a lower recurrence rate when compared to traditional surgical options for conditions like anal fistula and hemorrhoids. The gradual cutting and healing process assisted by the thread helps ensure the complete closure of fistula tracts and the reduction of hemorrhoids, thereby decreasing the chances of recurrence.

Customized Treatment: Ksharsutra treatment is personalized to meet the specific needs and conditions of the patient. The choice of medicated thread, its composition, and the overall treatment strategy are personalized based on factors like the particular disease, its severity, and individual patient characteristics. This customized approach enhances the overall effectiveness of the treatment and improves patient satisfaction.

Potential Cost-effectiveness: Ksharsutra treatment can be more cost-effective in comparison to traditional surgical procedures. It usually necessitates fewer hospital visits, decreases needing extensive pre- and post-operative care, and enables patients to resume their regular activities more quickly. This can lead to lower healthcare costs and reduced financial strain.

Comprehensive Approach: Ksharsutra treatment is founded on Ayurvedic principles, which advocate for a comprehensive view of health and healing. It takes into account the overall well-being of the individual, including dietary and lifestyle elements, in addition to the specific treatment. This comprehensive strategy aims to promote broader health and balance. The Cost of Ksharsutra treatment starts from 25000 to 75000. After detail consultation with our expert doctor will update you regarding cost.


Kshar Sutra Treatment: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Kshar Sutra treatment?

Kshar Sutra is an Ayurvedic treatment that uses a specially medicated thread to treat anorectal disorders such as fistula, hemorrhoids (piles), and anal fissures. The thread, which is coated with herbal and alkaline substances, is gradually tightened around the affected tissue to promote healing and remove unhealthy tissue.

2. What conditions can be treated with Kshar Sutra?

Kshar Sutra is primarily used to treat conditions like anal fistula, hemorrhoids (piles), anal fissures, and pilonidal sinus. It can also be effective for treating certain types of cysts, warts, and other chronic wounds.

3. How does Kshar Sutra work?

The Kshar Sutra thread is inserted into the affected area (such as a fistula tract) and gradually tightened over time. The thread’s medicated coating helps cut through diseased tissue while promoting healing and reducing infection. The treatment is typically performed on an outpatient basis.

4. Is Kshar Sutra treatment painful?

Kshar Sutra treatment is generally well-tolerated by patients and is performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. While some pain or discomfort may be experienced during the recovery period, it is usually manageable with prescribed pain relievers.

5. How long does the treatment take?

The duration of Kshar Sutra treatment varies depending on the condition being treated. For example, treating a fistula may take 4-8 weeks, while hemorrhoids might require 1-3 weeks. The treatment involves regular follow-up visits to change the thread and monitor healing.

6. What are the benefits of Kshar Sutra over traditional surgery?

Kshar Sutra is minimally invasive, requires no general anesthesia, and typically has a shorter recovery period than traditional surgery. It also preserves sphincter function, reducing the risk of complications like fecal incontinence, and has a lower recurrence rate.

7. Are there any risks or side effects associated with Kshar Sutra?

Kshar Sutra is considered safe, but like any medical procedure, it carries some risks. These might include minor bleeding, infection, or temporary discomfort. However, serious side effects are rare, especially when the procedure is performed by a skilled practitioner.

8. How should I prepare for Kshar Sutra treatment?

Preparation for Kshar Sutra treatment typically involves a consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor who will assess your condition and provide specific instructions. You may need to follow dietary restrictions or avoid certain medications before the procedure.

9. What should I expect during recovery?

Recovery from Kshar Sutra treatment is generally quick. You may experience some discomfort, swelling, or mild bleeding in the treated area, which should subside as you heal. Your doctor will provide aftercare instructions, including hygiene practices and any necessary dietary changes.

10. Can Kshar Sutra be used to treat recurring conditions?

Yes, Kshar Sutra is effective in treating recurring conditions like anal fistula and hemorrhoids. Its low recurrence rate makes it a preferred choice for patients who have not found lasting relief with other treatments.

11. How much does Kshar Sutra treatment cost?

The cost of Kshar Sutra treatment can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the number of sessions required. Generally, the cost ranges from ₹25,000 to ₹75,000. A detailed consultation with your doctor will provide a more accurate estimate.

12. Is Kshar Sutra treatment covered by insurance?

Some insurance plans may cover Kshar Sutra treatment, particularly if it is deemed medically necessary. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider for specific coverage details.

13. Can I resume normal activities after Kshar Sutra treatment?

Most patients can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure, although you may need to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks. Your doctor will provide personalized advice based on your condition and recovery progress.

14. Who is a good candidate for Kshar Sutra treatment?

Kshar Sutra is suitable for individuals with conditions like anal fistula, hemorrhoids, and anal fissures who prefer a minimally invasive treatment option. Your Ayurvedic doctor will determine if you are a good candidate based on your medical history and current health status.

15. How do I find a qualified practitioner for Kshar Sutra treatment?

It is important to seek treatment from a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner who specializes in Kshar Sutra. Adyant Ayurveda in Bangalore offers expert care from skilled Ayurvedic doctors who are experienced in this traditional treatment.


Sudhirdutt Gawandalkar is the Business Head of Adyant Ayurveda, a leading Ayurvedic treatment center in Bangalore. He has over 15 years of experience in the Ayurvedic industry and has a deep understanding of the principles of Ayurveda. Sudhirdutt is responsible for the overall management of Adyant Ayurveda, including the development of new treatment programs, the marketing of the center, and the training of staff.