Rasayana Chikitsa/Rejuvenative Treatments

Best Ayurveda massage Bangalore or its Therapies and Treatment: The word Rasayana is a combination of two separate words “Rasa” and “Ayana“. The word Rasa means the first liquid tissue which nourishes all the tissues in the body and Ayana is its circulation. Best Ayurveda massage Bangalore : Therapies & Treatments is subject of this page and this means that if rasa Dhatu is produced in optimum quality and quantity, then naturally all the tissues in the body will be nourished properly. Adyant Ayurveda assured you about experience of Best Rejuvenative Treatments in Bangalore.

The method by which Rasa is carried to all the body tissues for biochemical metamorphosis is called Rasakriya. Rasayana also means the purification of all tissues from Rasa to Shukra. It also aims at giving strength to senses, mind and intellect. Hence Rasayana or rejuvenation is such a form of treatment in which all the tissues are nourished and enhanced. The nourishment of vital tissues helps in stopping old age.

Thus it is useful for the enhancement of qualities of life, the span of life, increased intellect and enhanced physical strength. It also enhances the immunity of an individual leading to health.

Best Ayurveda massage Bangalore : Therapies & Treatments

1)Abhyangam: Abhyangam is a form of Ayurvedic holistic healing massage therapy that involves massage of the body with large amounts of warm oil (pre-medicated with herbs for specific conditions).It involves the use of warm herbal oils applied to the skin in a rhythmic manner to promote physical and mental relaxation, improve circulation, and stimulate the lymphatic system.It can be beneficial for maintaining health and is used therapeutically for certain disorders like anxiety, fatigue, paralysis, spondylosis, arthritic problems, injuries & backaches.

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2) Shiro Abhyangam: Ayurvedic Shiro Abhyangam Massage is especially useful in treating stress, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, diarrhoea, headaches, colitis, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, insomnia, pain relief, ulcers, sinusitis. The Head is the operating circle of the body that controls the overall body functions & dynamics. It focuses on the shoulder, neck, face & head which are vulnerable to stress.

3) Shirodhara: Continues stream of lukewarm medicated oil is poured on the forehead while receiving a gentle massage on the head. Shirodhara treats insomnia & promotes sound sleep. It increases the production of serotonin &endorphins, which improves the quality of sleep.Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves thecontinuous pouring of warm oil over the forehead, particularly the “third eye” area. The warm oil is said to have a calming effect on the mind and nervous system, helping to relieve stress and anxiety, and improve sleep.

Additionally, Shirodhara is believed to balance the three doshas in the body and promote overall physical and mental well-being. The therapy is often performed in conjunction with other Ayurvedic treatments, such as Abhyangam or Pinda Sweda, to enhance its effects.

4) Nasyam: Nayam is an Ayurvedic method of treatment for headache, sinusitis, migraine, ear, nose and throat. Nasyam is a toxin removing process and it’s very helpful to get relax from head-related problems. Nasyam gives immune power to the head region.Nasyam is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the administration of herbal oils, decoctions, or other medicaments through the nostrils.

The nostrils are considered to be one of the most important avenues of elimination in Ayurvedic medicine, and Nasyam is used to cleanse the nasal passages and sinuses, as well as to treat a variety of respiratory and neurological conditions. During Nasyam, the oils or medicaments are slowly and gently instilled into the nostrils using a special device, and are then allowed to penetrate the sinuses and reach the head and neck. The therapy is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and nervous system, improve respiratory function, and promote overall physical and mental well-being.

5) Janu Basthi: Janu Basthi is an Ayurvedic procedure in which a ring made of black gram flour is placed around the knee, the ring is sealed and medicated oil is poured into this ring. The7 oil is kept warm for 30 min by replacing it with warm Oil. It is helpful in treating painful conditions of the knee, which is caused by increased Vata dosha like osteoarthritis.Janu Basti is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of a medicated oil or decoction to the knee joint.

During the treatment, a small dough dam is created around the knee, and the oil or decoction is retained inside the dam for a period of time, allowing it to penetrate the knee joint and surrounding tissues. Janu Basti is commonly used to treat a variety of knee and joint problems, including arthritis, osteoarthritis, and knee pain. The warm oil or decoction is believed to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and soothe the knee joint, promoting healing and improving joint function. The therapy is often performed in conjunction with other Ayurvedic treatments, such as Abhyangam or Pinda Sweda, to enhance its effects

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6) Akshi Sekam:

a continuous stream of medicated decoctions is applied to the eyes for a soothing, rejuvenating experience. It is highly curative and can assuage the pain of overstressed eyes.

7) Kati Basthi:

Kati Basti is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of a medicated oil or decoction to the lower back region. During the treatment, a small dough dam is created around the lower back, and the oil or decoction is retained inside the dam for a period of time, allowing it to penetrate the tissues of the lower back.

Kati Basti is commonly used to treat a variety of lower back problems, including back pain, sciatica, and herniated discs. The warm oil or decoction is believed to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and soothe the lower back, promoting healing and reducing pain. The therapy is often performed in conjunction with other Ayurvedic treatments, such as Abhyangam or Pinda Sweda, to enhance its effects.

8) Pichu:

Pichu is a palliative treatment for ailments of the head and spine. During this treatment, a long, thick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area. The oil is replaced periodically to keep it warm and therapeutic. Pichu, one of the Purvakarma therapies, is considered an effective treatment for diseases of the cranial nerves arising from Vata disorder. This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful spinal problems.

9) Kadidhara: This therapy begins with the application of suitable medicated oil to the entire body. A special fermented warm medicinal preparation made out of various kinds of grains, lemon, horse gram, etc. is poured continuously onto the whole body. This therapy is very effective for ‘Kapha Vata’ predominant conditions.

10) Choorna Swedam: Choorna Swedam is an ayurvedic treatment for neurological disorders, rheumatism and arthritis. In this treatment, the whole body is vigorously massaged with herbal powder (Choornam) tied into tiny bundles in muslin cloth until the warmth induces the skin to sweat. The sweat washes away toxic body wastes and unnecessary body fluids. This therapy helps cure the “Kapha Vata” predominant conditions of the back and muscular pain.

11) Shirolepam: Sirolepam is a special treatment in traditional Ayurveda for hair care. In this exclusive, relaxing and effective therapy, prescribed oil is first massaged into the head. When the mind and scalp are relaxed, a herbal paste is applied to the hair and scalp. This specially formulated mixture strengthens hair follicles and improves hair growth.

12)Shiro Vasthi: In this relaxing therapy, lukewarm medicinal herbal oil is poured into a cap fitted on the head for 15 to 60 minutes per day. A leather sleeve of about six to eight inches in length is placed on the head of the patient and a band (Vartti) is tied around the forehead to keep it in place. Kneaded dough is used to line the inside of this sleeve and ensure that it does not leak. Oil is then poured into the sleeve and allowed to remain on the head.

The length of time the oil should be kept there is determined by the physicians according to the need. This is a great therapy for treating paralysis, insomnia, and depression.

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13) Pathrapotala Swedam: This nourishing technique alleviates strained body parts and targets sore muscles and joints. A heated cloth bolus containing chopped herbal Ayurvedic leaves is dipped in medicated oils and softly pressed onto the affected areas. This therapy is effective for back pains, soreness and other soft tissue inflammations especially joint pains.

14) Netra Tarpanam: Netra Tarpanam is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of a medicated ghee or oil to the eyes. During the treatment, a small dam of dough is created around the eyes, and the ghee or oil is retained inside the dam for a period of time, allowing it to penetrate the eyes and surrounding tissues. Netra Tarpanam is commonly used to treat a variety of eye problems, including dry eyes, conjunctivitis, and vision impairments.

The warm ghee or oil is believed to soothe the eyes, improve vision, and reduce eye strain, promoting overall eye health. The therapy is often performed in conjunction with other Ayurvedic treatments, such as Abhyangam or Pinda Sweda, to enhance its effects.

15)Ksheerdhara: Same relaxing treatment as Sirodhara but instead of herbal oil, herbal milk is poured over the forehead or over the whole body. This moisturizing agent relieves anxiety and tension and leaves your skin with a healthy glow. This is a great therapy for people suffering from headaches from Vata and Pitta predominance, insomnia and mental tension.

16) Dhanyamaladhara: Warm medicated rice water and herbal liquids are poured over the whole body to stimulate the nervous system. First, the client is massaged with medicated oils. Then, warm Dhanyamala is poured over the body, keeping the patient in different positions. This treatment is not only curative, it is also very enjoyable, relaxing and warming. It helps to treat hemiplegia, Alleviating paralysis, rheumatic diseases.

17) Takradhara: In this therapy, buttermilk, which has tremendous cooling properties, is used as the main ingredient for the treatment. Thakradhara, a stream of medicine-rich buttermilk is gently poured on a person’s forehead. The medicated buttermilk is a luxurious treatment, which calms the individual down. The treatment induces coolness to the brain, relaxes the mind, reduces mental stress and increases memory power.

18) Udwarthanam: This is a typical deep massage using herbal powders. It is performed both dry and wet. This massage stimulates hair follicles and subcutaneous fat tissue to break down subcutaneous fat storage. The dry powder massage reduces blood cholesterol, obesity, and skin problems. In addition, it imparts mobility to the joints, strengthens muscles and refreshes the body. The most promising effect is the slimming of the body. It is most effective when taken as a package, where significant weight loss and cellulite reduction.

19) Pizhichil: The whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm medicated oil with a simultaneous soft massage. Three therapists attend to the client, focusing on their particular needs. More than three litres of relaxing, medicated oil is used in this therapy. Pizhichil protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, sexual weakness, neurological disorders, blood pressure, nervous weakness and helps to arrest the ageing process.

20) Njavarakizh: A generous amount of medicated oil is applied to the whole body and then the body is massaged with small cotton cloth boluses filled with cooked Njavara rice. The boluses are dipped in this regenerating mixture of cow’s milk and a brewed herbal decoction, and then applied all over the body to induce sudation (sweat). This procedure is highly rejuvenating, nourishing and prepares the individual to bear the stresses and strains of a busy lifestyle. It enhances physical consistency, strengthens the nervous system and improves the overall appearance of the skin.

21) Grivavasthy: Greeva Basti is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of a medicated oil or decoction to the neck region. During the treatment, a small dough dam is created around the neck, and the oil or decoction is retained inside the dam for a period of time, allowing it to penetrate the tissues of the neck. Greeva Basti is commonly used to treat a variety of neck problems, including neck pain, stiff neck, and neck spasms.

The warm oil or decoction is believed to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and soothe the neck, promoting healing and reducing pain. The therapy is often performed in conjunction with other Ayurvedic treatments, such as Abhyangam or Pinda Sweda, to enhance its effects.

22) Pristhavasthy: During Pristhavasthy, the paste of black gram is sculpted into a long pond on the c back. Warm medicated oil is then poured into the black gram paste and left for a suitable time. The oil is reheated so that it has maximum therapeutic properties. Pristhavasthy is an effective treatment for paralysis caused by spinal injury or any kind of infection inside the spinal cord.

23) Karna Purana: Medicated mineral oils are gently poured into the ears, lubricating the delicate, sensitive filaments of the ear canal and dislodging impurities. It also hones hearing. Karna Puran induces deep restfulness and may be useful in treating problems such as tension, headaches and insomni