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Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria: Types, Symptoms and Remedies

Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment (Hives): Symptoms, Types, Role of Panchakarma and Their Benefits

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria: Types, Symptoms and Remedies
Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria: Types, Symptoms and Remedies

(Hives) Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment: Urticaria, often known as hives or Sheetapitta, is a skin disorder that causes swollen, itchy, and red welts to form on the skin. These welts can vary in size and shape. Urticaria frequently causes pain and irritation. Allergies, stress, certain meals, drugs, bug stings, and other reasons can all cause urticaria. Ayurveda is a traditional healing technique from India. Urticaria Treatment in Ayurveda helps to get a complete cure.

Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment emphasizes the integration of body, mind, and spirit to promote holistic health and well-being. Adyant Ayurveda is a top Ayurvedic hospital known for delivering holistic remedies for a variety of health ailments, including urticaria treatment, with a team of Top Ayurvedic doctors and a thorough understanding of ancient principles provide a reliable and complete approach to treating urticaria.

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Understanding (Hives) Urticaria in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, urticaria is known as “Sheetapitta” and is understood through the lens of dosha imbalances and their impact on the body’s energy and function. Ayurveda distinguishes three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each with distinct features and duties. Urticaria is caused by an imbalance of the Pitta and sometimes Kapha doshas.

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Doshas Involved in Urticaria: 

  1. Pitta Imbalance: Excessive intake of hot, spicy, sour, or pungent foods, as well as exposure to heat and stress, can lead to an accumulation of aggravated Pitta dosha. This can manifest as skin inflammation, redness, and itching, characteristic of urticaria.
  2. Kapha Imbalance: In some cases, an imbalance in Kapha dosha can also contribute to urticaria. Kapha imbalance may result from consuming heavy, cold, and mucus-producing foods, leading to the accumulation of toxins and fluid retention in the body, which can trigger skin eruptions.

Read more about Ayurvedic Doshas and how to balance it.

Symptoms of Urticaria Disease

You can also learn about urticaria symptoms by using the methods listed below;

Primary Symptoms

  • Hives (urticaria): Raised, red or skin-colored welts with clearly defined edges
  • Intense itching (pruritus)
  • Burning or stinging sensation
  • Swelling of the surface of the skin (angioedema)

Characteristics of Hives

  • Size: Can range from a few millimeters to several inches in diameter
  • Shape: Round, oval, or irregular
  • Color: Usually red, but can be skin-colored or pale in the center
  • Duration: Individual hives typically last a few hours before fading, but new ones may appear

Associated Symptoms

  • Swelling of the lips, eyelids, or throat (in cases of angioedema)
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing (in severe cases)
  • Abdominal pain or cramping (in some cases)
  • Fatigue or general feeling of illness

Types of Urticaria Based on Duration

  • Acute urticaria: Lasts less than 6 weeks
  • Chronic urticaria: Persists for more than 6 weeks

Triggering Factors (can be included as symptoms for some individuals)

  • Skin reactions to heat, cold, or pressure
  • Flare-ups in response to specific foods or medications
  • Worsening of symptoms due to stress or exercise

Ayurvedic Perspective on Symptoms of Urticaria or Hives

  • Twak Roga (Skin Afflictions): Manifestation of skin eruptions
  • Kandu (Itching): Intense itching sensation
  • Daha (Burning Sensation): Burning feeling on the skin
  • Shotha (Swelling): Swelling of the affected areas
  • Rakta Dushti (Blood Impurity): Underlying cause leading to skin manifestations

Ayurvedic Principles for Diagnosing Urticaria: 

Urticaria treatment in Ayurveda concepts considers the individual’s prakriti (constitution), vikriti (current dosha imbalance), and the unique features of the skin eruptions. The practitioner evaluates the individual’s food habits, lifestyle, and emotional state to determine the underlying cause of the ailment. Pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and tongue examination (Jihva Pariksha) may be utilized to get more information.

Importance of Panchakarma Therapies in Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment:

Panchakarma is an essential component of urticaria treatment in Ayurveda. Virechana (purging therapy) and Raktamokshana (bloodletting) are detoxification therapies that help eliminate toxins and impurities that contribute to dosha imbalances and skin problems.

Role of Virechana for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

Virechana is a Panchakarma therapy used for urticaria treatment in Ayurveda that involves regulated purgation to eliminate excess doshas and poisons from the body. While Virechana is commonly used for a variety of illnesses, its effectiveness in treating urticaria can be related to its capacity to balance exacerbated Pitta and Kapha doshas, which are frequently connected with skin problems like urticaria.

Virechana treatment involves a series of preparation actions followed by the administration of certain herbal medications that cause regulated purgation. This aids in the removal of excess Pitta and Kapha from the body, reducing inflammation, toxins, and imbalances that contribute to urticaria.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Virechana Treatment for Urticaria:

    1. Dosha Balancing: Virechana helps balance the Pitta and Kapha doshas, which are usually involved in urticaria.
    2. Detoxification: The purgation process removes toxins and impurities from the body, assisting in total detoxification.
    3. Sktwqin Health: Virechana can enhance skin health by resolving dosha imbalances and detoxifying the body, lowering the intensity of urticaria symptoms.
    4. Long-lasting Relief: Virechana seeks to treat the underlying cause of urticaria, delivering a more comprehensive and long-term remedy.

Role of Vamana for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

Vamana is one of the five detoxification processes or therapies utilized in Ayurveda, India’s traditional medical system. It entails therapeutic vomiting to rid the body of excess Kapha dosha. Vamana is used by Ayurveda practitioners to treat a variety of ailments, including allergies, skin disorders, and respiratory concerns, which may include urticaria (hives).

According to Ayurveda, urticaria is caused by a dosha imbalance in the body, namely an excess of Kapha and Pitta dosha. Vamana therapy aids in the reduction of Kapha Dosha. The technique, Vamana, tries to eliminate the body’s stored excess Kapha.

Benefits of Vamana for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment:

    1. Dosha Balance: Vamana helps to pacify aggravated Kapha and Pitta doshas, which are often linked to urticaria. 
    2. Toxin Elimination: Vamana effectively expels these toxins through emesis, promoting detoxification and skin health.
    3. Inflammation Reduction: Vamana therapy aids in reducing inflammation associated with urticaria. 
    4. Preventive Effect: Vamana not only addresses current urticaria symptoms but also aids in preventing future flare-ups by addressing dosha imbalances and eliminating causative factors.

Adyant Ayurveda: Trusted Solution for Urticaria

Urticaria Ayurvedic Teatment, at Adyant Ayurveda includes a tailored strategy that addresses the individual’s distinct constitution and dosha imbalances. The holistic treatment strategy involves traditional Ayurvedic therapies, herbal drugs, and lifestyle adjustments to address the underlying cause of urticaria and restore body balance.

Herbal Remedies for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

1. Triphala Churna

A combination of three powerful fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – Triphala churna detoxifies the body, assists digestion, and promotes healthy skin, hence alleviating urticaria symptoms.

  • Preparation: Mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder in warm water.
  • Dosage: Take once or twice daily, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Benefits: Detoxifies the body, improves digestion, and promotes healthy skin.
  • Potential side effects: Mild gastrointestinal discomfort in some individuals.
  • Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy and in cases of diarrhea.

2. Gandhaka Rasayana

This sulfur-based preparation has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying qualities. Gandhaka rasayana balances doshas, cleanses the blood, and relieves skin irritation in urticaria patients.

  • Preparation: Typically available in tablet or powder form.
  • Dosage: 250-500 mg twice daily with honey or as directed by an Ayurvedic practitioner.
  • Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, balances doshas, and cleanses blood.
  • Potential side effects: Rarely, may cause mild gastrointestinal upset.
  • Contraindications: Not recommended during pregnancy or for individuals with sulfur allergies.

3. Neem Capsules/Powder

It is a popular treatment for urticaria due to its antibacterial and anti-allergic properties. Neem capsules or powder cleanse the blood, relieve itching, and aid in the treatment of this skin ailment.

  • Preparation:
    • Capsules: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Powder: Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon with honey or water.
    • Leaves: Brew 1-2 teaspoons of dried neem leaves in hot water for tea.
  • Dosage: Take once or twice daily, or as directed by a practitioner.
  • Benefits: Antibacterial, anti-allergic, blood purifying, and itch-relieving properties.
  • Potential side effects: Nausea, headache in some cases. May lower blood sugar levels.
  • Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy, in children, and if trying to conceive.

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)

  • Preparation: Available as powder or in capsules.
  • Dosage: 1-3 grams of powder twice daily, or as capsules per manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Benefits: Blood purifier, anti-inflammatory, supports healthy skin.
  • Potential side effects: May cause constipation in some individuals.
  • Contraindications: Use cautiously in pregnancy and with blood-thinning medications.

5. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

  • Preparation: Available as powder, capsules, or liquid extract.
  • Dosage:
    • Powder: 1-3 grams twice daily with water.
    • Capsules: As per manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Liquid extract: 30-60 drops in water, twice daily.
  • Benefits: Immunomodulator, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory.
  • Potential side effects: Generally well-tolerated. May cause constipation in some cases.
  • Contraindications: Use with caution in diabetes as it may lower blood sugar levels.

6. Haridra (Curcuma longa)

    • Preparation: Mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm milk or water.
    • Dosage: Take once or twice daily.
    • Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, supports skin health.
    • Potential side effects: May cause stomach upset in high doses.
    • Contraindications: Use cautiously with blood-thinning medications. Avoid in gallbladder problems.

Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications for Managing Urticaria:

Foods to Favor:

  1. Cooling foods: Cucumber, zucchini, melons, leafy greens
  2. Sweet fruits: Apples, pears, pomegranates
  3. Whole grains: Barley, oats, quinoa
  4. Lean proteins: Chicken, turkey, fish (in moderation)
  5. Cooling spices: Coriander, fennel, mint
  6. Bitter vegetables: Bitter gourd, fenugreek leaves

Foods to Avoid During Urticaria or Hives:

  1. Hot and spicy foods: Chili, garlic, onions
  2. Sour fruits: Citrus fruits, tomatoes
  3. Fermented foods: Yogurt, cheese, vinegar
  4. Nightshade vegetables: Eggplant, potatoes
  5. Nuts: Peanuts, cashews
  6. Seafood: Especially shellfish

Ayurvedic Dietary Principles:

  • Favor foods with sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes
  • Avoid foods with pungent, sour, and salty tastes
  • Eat freshly prepared, warm meals
  • Practice mindful eating
  • Drink warm or room temperature water throughout the day

Lifestyle Modifications for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

Daily Routine (Dinacharya):

  1. Wake up early (before sunrise if possible)
  2. Practice oil pulling and tongue scraping
  3. Perform self-massage (Abhyanga) with cooling oils like coconut
  4. Exercise moderately in the morning (avoid intense workouts)
  5. Meditate or practice pranayama (breathing exercises)


  1. Use natural, fragrance-free moisturizers
  2. Apply aloe vera gel or neem-based products
  3. Take lukewarm or cool showers (avoid hot water)
  4. Pat dry skin gently, don’t rub
  5. Wear loose-fitting, breathable cotton clothing

Stress Management:

  1. Practice yoga asanas, especially cooling poses
  2. Engage in regular meditation or mindfulness practices
  3. Try progressive muscle relaxation techniques
  4. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
  5. Limit exposure to electronic devices before bedtime

Environmental Considerations:

  1. Keep living spaces cool and well-ventilated
  2. Use air purifiers to reduce allergens
  3. Avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours
  4. Use natural, hypoallergenic cleaning products
  5. Keep a food and symptom diary to identify triggers

Herbal Supplements (under practitioner guidance):

  1. Triphala for detoxification
  2. Neem for blood purification
  3. Guduchi for immune modulation
  4. Manjistha for lymphatic support

Expert Advice and Recommendations for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

Tips for Managing Urticaria Symptoms at Home/ Home Remedies for Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

    1. Cool Compress: Applying a cool, moist cloth to afflicted areas will help relieve itching and reduce inflammation.
    2. Oatmeal Baths: Adding colloidal oatmeal to your bath can provide relief from itching and discomfort.
    3. Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid triggers such as certain meals, stress, and allergens that may aggravate urticaria.
    4. Hydration: Stay hydrated to enhance skin health and maintain overall hydration levels.
    5. Aloe Vera Gel: Natural aloe vera gel can give a cooling effect and relieve skin inflammation.

Precautions to Prevent Urticaria Recurrence:

    1. Balanced Diet: Eat a well-balanced diet that avoids foods that cause urticaria. Avoid known allergens by emphasizing fresh, healthy foods.
    2. Stress Management: To avoid stress-related urticaria flare-ups, use stress-relief practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.
    3. Proper Clothing: Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing to reduce skin irritation and encourage air circulation.
    4. Allergen Avoidance: Identify and avoid allergens that may cause urticaria, such as specific fabrics, animals, or environmental variables.
    5. Regular Exercise: Exercise daily to improve circulation, immunological function, and overall well-being.

Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment:  Conclusion

In conclusion, Ayurveda tries to restore balance and alleviate urticaria symptoms while promoting overall well-being by identifying dosha imbalances and resolving them through panchakarma treatment, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and stress management measures. If you are considering urticaria treatment in Ayurveda, you can visit Adyant Ayurveda and consult.

FAQ Related to Urticaria Ayurvedic Treatment

Ques: How to cure urticaria permanently in Ayurveda? 

Ans: By restoring dosha equilibrium, Ayurveda seeks to address the underlying cause of urticaria. Personalized treatments such as herbal medicines, dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and detoxification therapies such as Panchakarma can all help to provide long-term relief from urticaria.

Ques: Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for urticaria? 

Ans: Urticaria is widely treated with Ayurvedic medications such as Triphala churna, Gandhaka rasayana, and neem capsules/powder. The optimal medicine, however, is determined by your dosha imbalance and unique condition. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized advice.

Ques: How do you treat urticaria naturally and permanently? 

Ans: A holistic approach to urticaria treatment can provide long-term relief. Identifying and avoiding triggers, eating a balanced diet, controlling stress, using appropriate herbal medicines, and sticking to an Ayurvedic lifestyle adapted to your constitution are all part of this.

Ques: What is the name of urticaria in Ayurveda?

Ans: Urticaria is known in Ayurveda as “Sheetapitta.” It is said to be caused by dosha imbalances, especially Pitta and Kapha, resulting in skin eruptions, itching, and pain.

Ques: Can urticaria be cured by Ayurveda? 

Ans: Yes, Ayurveda provides effective remedies for urticaria symptoms by addressing underlying dosha imbalances. Individuals can enjoy relief and efficiently manage urticaria by implementing Ayurvedic principles, herbal therapies, and lifestyle changes.

Ques: How can I reduce urticaria immediately? 

Ans: Applying cool compresses, using natural aloe vera gel, taking antihistamines (under medical supervision), and avoiding triggers can all provide immediate relief from urticaria. However, for long-term healing, it is best to visit an Ayurvedic practitioner for a full treatment plan.

Ques: Can I get Ayurvedic treatment for Urticaria at home?

Ans: Yes! Adyant Ayurveda Home Care Services provide Panchakarma, herbal treatments, and personalized consultations at your doorstep for safe and effective Urticaria management.

Ques: How can I book a consultation for Urticaria Ayurvedic treatment?

Ans: You can call Adyant Ayurveda at +91-99725-41009 or visit to book an expert consultation.


Sudhirdutt Gawandalkar is the Business Head of Adyant Ayurveda, chain of leading Ayurvedic treatment centers in Bangalore. He has over 16 years of experience in the Ayurvedic industry and has a deep understanding of the principles of Ayurveda. Recieved multiple awards including Times Health award 2024 and Ayush Award in Ayurveda 2024. Sudhirdutt is responsible for the overall management of Adyant Ayurveda, including the development of new treatment programs, the marketing of the center, and the training of staff. Under his guidelines his team has treated more than the 45000+ patients.

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