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Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders

Balancing Thyroid Health Naturally with Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Natural Solutions for Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid diseases have become more widespread in a society, where stress and lifestyle imbalances. Thankfully, Ayurveda, an ancient holistic treatment method, provides a natural and effective solution to thyroid disorders. Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders focuses on restoring balance and stimulating thyroid function naturally.

Adyant Ayurveda a renowned and Top Ayurvedic Hospital in Bangalore is a refuge of Ayurveda knowledge dedicated to restoring thyroid health.

Understanding Thyroid

The thyroid gland in the neck is crucial in metabolic regulation. It produces hormones that regulate activities such as heart rhythm, body temperature, and energy generation.

Common Thyroid Disorders

1) Hypothyroidism: In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is underactive, leading to a decreased production of thyroid hormones. Common symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, cold sensitivity, and mood swings. Ayurveda sees hypothyroidism as a manifestation of increased Kapha dosha, characterized by sluggishness and congestion in the body.

2) Hyperthyroidism: Conversely, hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is overactive, producing an excess of thyroid hormones. Symptoms may include rapid heart rate, weight loss, anxiety, and heat intolerance. Ayurveda views hyperthyroidism as an aggravation of Pitta dosha, resulting in excess heat and inflammation.

3) Graves’ Disease: Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that leads to hyperthyroidism. It is characterized by the production of abnormal antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland to produce excess hormones. Symptoms may include bulging eyes (exophthalmos), goiter, and weight loss.

4) Thyroid Nodules: These are lumps or growths in the thyroid gland. Most nodules are noncancerous (benign), but some can be cancerous. Thyroid nodules can lead to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and they may require further evaluation through imaging and biopsy.

5) Thyroiditis: Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland. It can be caused by viral infections, autoimmune reactions, or medications. Depending on the type of thyroiditis, it can lead to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, but it often resolves on its own.

6) Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: This is an autoimmune condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland, leading to hypothyroidism. It is a common cause of underactive thyroid in adults.

7) Postpartum Thyroiditis: This condition occurs after childbirth and can cause temporary hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism. It typically resolves on its own, but some women may develop permanent hypothyroidism.

8) Thyroid Cancer: Although less common than benign thyroid disorders, thyroid cancer can occur. It often presents as a nodule or lump in the thyroid gland and may require surgical removal or other treatments.

9) Goiter: A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland. It can be caused by iodine deficiency, thyroid nodules, or thyroid inflammation. A goiter may lead to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

10) TSH Disorders: Disorders related to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced by the pituitary gland, can also affect thyroid function. For example, pituitary tumors can lead to excessive or insufficient TSH production, impacting thyroid hormone levels.

Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders

  • Fatigue: People with thyroid diseases frequently endure chronic fatigue and weakness, making everyday tasks difficult.
  • Weight Changes: Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, whereas hyperthyroidism might cause unexplained loss of weight.
  • Mood Swings: Thyroid abnormalities can cause mood swings, such as melancholy, anxiety, and irritability.
  • Hair and Skin Issues: Thyroid issues can result in hair loss, dry skin, and brittle nails.
  • Digestive Problems: Constipation is a typical symptom of hypothyroidism, but diarrhoea can occur with hyperthyroidism.
  • Menstrual Irregularities: Women may experience irregular periods, excessive bleeding, or changes in menstrual cycles.
  • Abnormal Heart Rate: Hyperthyroidism can cause a fast heartbeat (tachycardia) and high blood pressure.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: People with thyroid diseases may have difficulties controlling their body temperature, resulting in sensitivity to cold (hypothyroidism) or heat (hyperthyroidism).

Impact on Overall Health

  • Metabolism: Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can inhibit metabolism, resulting in weight gain and reduced energy levels. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can accelerate metabolism, resulting in unintentional weight loss and higher energy expenditure.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Thyroid diseases can have an impact on the cardiovascular system. Hypothyroidism is connected to raised cholesterol levels and an increased risk of heart disease, whereas hyperthyroidism can cause high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.
  • Mental Health: Thyroid diseases are associated with mood swings. Depression and anxiety can have a severe influence on overall mental health.
  • Reproductive Health: Thyroid abnormalities can impair menstrual periods and fertility in women. Proper thyroid control is critical for women intending to conceive.
  • Bone Health: Untreated hyperthyroidism can cause bone loss (osteoporosis), which increases the risk of fractures.
  • Gastrointestinal Function: Digestive disorders such as constipation (in hypothyroidism) or diarrhea (in hyperthyroidism) can impair nutritional absorption and general gut health.
  • Skin and Hair: Skin and hair changes, as well as hair loss, can affect self-esteem and body image.

Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders

Adyant Ayurveda Hospital adopts a comprehensive and personalized approach to Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders, aiming to restore body balance and maintain thyroid function naturally. Patients receive individualized herbal combinations and dietary guidance based on Dosha and imbalances. Panchakarma treatment helps to improve metabolic rate as well as it helps to create hormonal balance. Panchakarma treatments like Virechana, Vamana, Basti, and Nasya play a vital role in treating thyroid disorders. These Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders help to balance all dosha and restore functions of the thyroid gland.

Well-known herbs like Ashwagandha and Guggul, along with others, aid hormone regulation and reduce inflammation. Stress, a recognized factor in thyroid disorders, is managed through yoga and meditation.

Detoxification therapy eliminates thyroid-affecting toxins, while patients receive guidance to incorporate long-term well-being improvements into their daily routines through lifestyle adjustments.

Our Best Ayurveda Doctors at Adyant Ayurveda provide valuable insights and support for Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders. This holistic approach to Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders addresses thyroid disease symptoms and underlying causes, enabling patients to naturally restore vitality and thyroid health. In Ayurveda, the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are fundamental concepts that play a significant role in understanding and managing health conditions, including thyroid disorders. Here’s how doshas relate to thyroid health:

Doshas and what is their relation with thyroid?

(1) Hypothyroidism and Doshas

Kapha Dosha: Hypothyroidism, characterized by an underactive thyroid gland and a decrease in thyroid hormone production, is often associated with an aggravation of Kapha dosha. Kapha imbalances manifest as qualities of heaviness, sluggishness, and congestion. These qualities can mirror the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weight gain, and cold sensitivity. Ayurveda treatment for hypothyroidism aims to reduce excess Kapha, stimulate thyroid function, and promote metabolic balance.

(2) Hyperthyroidism and Doshas

Pitta Dosha: Hyperthyroidism, marked by an overactive thyroid gland and an excess of thyroid hormones, is often linked to an aggravation of Pitta dosha. Pitta imbalances manifest as qualities of heat, inflammation, and excess energy. These qualities may correspond to the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including rapid heart rate, weight loss, and heat intolerance. Ayurveda treatment for hyperthyroidism focuses on cooling and calming the body to reduce excess Pitta and restore balance.

Individual Constitution (Prakriti): An individual’s dosha constitution (Prakriti) can influence their susceptibility to thyroid disorders. For example, individuals with a Kapha-dominant Prakriti may be more prone to hypothyroidism due to their inherent tendency toward qualities associated with an underactive thyroid. Conversely, those with a Pitta-dominant Prakriti may be more predisposed to hyperthyroidism due to their natural tendencies toward qualities associated with an overactive thyroid.

Dosha Imbalances and Triggers: Imbalances in any of the three doshas can contribute to the development of thyroid disorders. Lifestyle factors, dietary choices, stress, and environmental influences can all influence dosha imbalances, which, in turn, can impact thyroid function. Ayurveda treatment seeks to identify and address these underlying dosha imbalances to manage and prevent thyroid issues.

Role of Virechana and Vamana to treat thyroid disorder

In Ayurveda, both Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and Vamana (therapeutic emesis) are Panchakarma therapies used to balance doshas and address various health issues. These therapies can play a supportive role in managing overall well-being, which may include addressing imbalances related to thyroid function. Here’s how Virechana and Vamana may be considered in Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders:

Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation):

Balancing Pitta Dosha: Virechana is particularly effective in balancing Pitta dosha. In Ayurveda, excess Pitta is associated with conditions such as inflammation, which may be relevant in the context of some thyroid disorders.

Detoxification: Virechana is a detoxification therapy that aims to eliminate excess doshas and toxins from the body, promoting a cleaner and more balanced internal environment.

Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis):

Balancing Kapha Dosha: Vamana is primarily used to balance Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda, an excess of Kapha is associated with conditions involving congestion, sluggishness, and excess mucus, which may be relevant in certain thyroid disorders.

Detoxification: Vamana is also considered a detoxification therapy, and it is believed to purify the body by expelling accumulated ama (toxins).

While both Virechana and Vamana aim to balance doshas and detoxify the body, it’s important to note that their use in addressing Ayurveda for Thyroid Disorders would be based on an individual’s constitution, dosha imbalances, and the specific characteristics of the disorder. Additionally, these therapies are typically part of a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment plan that includes dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Which Panchakarma treatment is good for thyroid disorder?

In Ayurveda, the selection of Panchakarma treatments for thyroid disorders would be based on an individual’s unique constitution (Prakriti), the specific dosha imbalances involved, and the Best Ayurvedic doctor at Adyant Ayurveda assesses the root cause of the disorder.  Here are some Panchakarma treatments that are recommended for thyroid disorders:

Basti (Enema Therapy): Basti is often used to balance Vata dosha, which is associated with the functioning of the nervous system and hormonal balance. Different types of Basti (medicated enemas) may be prescribed based on the individual’s dosha imbalances.

Nasya (Nasal Therapy): Nasya involves the administration of medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages. This therapy is thought to have a balancing effect on Prana Vayu, which is associated with the head and neck region, including the thyroid gland.

Abhyanga (Oil Massage): Abhyanga, a full-body oil massage, is considered beneficial for balancing the doshas and promoting relaxation. It may help reduce stress, which is a factor that can influence thyroid function.

Shirodhara (Forehead Oil Flow): Shirodhara involves pouring a continuous stream of warm oil onto the forehead. It is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system and may be recommended for individuals experiencing stress-related thyroid issues.

Udwarthanam (Herbal Powder Massage): Udwarthanam is a massage with herbal powders, and it may be recommended to stimulate circulation and detoxification. This therapy can be tailored to the individual’s dosha imbalances.

Role of Panchakarma to treat various thyroid disorders

In Ayurveda, Panchakarma is a comprehensive system of purification and detoxification therapies designed to balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), remove toxins (ama), and promote overall well-being.

Balancing Doshas: Ayurveda views thyroid disorders as imbalances in the doshas, particularly Vata and Kapha. Panchakarma aims to restore balance by addressing excess doshas and promoting harmony in the body’s constitution.

Detoxification: Panchakarma therapies, such as Virechana (purgation therapy) and Basti (enema therapy), are designed to eliminate toxins from the body. Detoxification is believed to improve the functioning of various organs, including the thyroid gland.

Nasya (Nasal Therapy): Nasya involves the administration of medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages. It is thought to have a balancing effect on the Prana Vayu (the vital energy associated with the head and neck), which may impact the thyroid gland’s function.

Stress Reduction: Stress is considered a contributing factor to thyroid imbalances. Panchakarma therapies, such as Shirodhara (pouring warm oil on the forehead) and Abhyanga (oil massage), are believed to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

Improving Digestive Health: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a healthy digestive system in overall well-being. Panchakarma aims to correct digestive imbalances, which may indirectly influence thyroid function.

Swedana for Thyroid

Swedana, a crucial component of Ayurveda medicine, involves applying steam or heat to the body. It plays a vital role in treating thyroid diseases comprehensively by balancing the body’s three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and promoting overall well-being.

Swedana offers several advantages for individuals with thyroid issues. Steam opens the body’s channels, enhances circulation, and aids in eliminating toxins, making it particularly effective for hypothyroidism with slow metabolism and circulation issues. It stimulates and supports the thyroid gland by increasing blood flow to the area.

Additionally, Swedana reduces stress, a key element in thyroid therapy. Chronic stress can worsen thyroid abnormalities, but Swedana’s soothing properties relieve this burden, supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms by reducing stress and enhancing relaxation.

Herbs Used for Ayurveda Treatment for Thyroid

Herbs for Ayurveda treatment for Hypothyroidism:

  • Ashwagandha 
  • Guggul 
  • Brahmi 
  • Kanchanara

Herbs for Ayurveda Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

  • Brahmi 
  • Jatamansi
  • Triphala
  • Varuna


Consider the holistic healing approach provided by Adyant Ayurveda Hospital in Bangalore for thyroid health. Thousands have rediscovered their vitality and balance through our Ayurveda treatment. Embrace Ayurveda wisdom for long-term thyroid well-being. Choose Adyant Ayurveda Hospital’s ancient path to recovery, and a bright future awaits.


1) What is Swedana therapy in Ayurveda?

Swedana therapy involves applying steam or heat to the body, which opens channels, enhances circulation, and aids in toxin elimination. It supports thyroid health by stimulating the thyroid gland and reducing stress.

2) How do Ayurvedic treatments address thyroid disorders?

Ayurveda treatments for thyroid disorders involve personalized herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, yoga, and detoxification therapies. They aim to balance doshas and promote thyroid health naturally.

3) What are the common symptoms of thyroid disorders?

Common symptoms include fatigue, weight changes, mood swings, hair and skin issues, digestive problems, menstrual irregularities, abnormal heart rate, and temperature sensitivity.

4) How does Ayurveda approach stress management in thyroid treatment?

Ayurveda employs stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, and lifestyle adjustments to manage stress, which can exacerbate thyroid disorders.

5) Why choose Adyant Ayurveda Hospital for thyroid treatment?

Adyant Ayurveda Hospital offers a holistic healing approach with personalized Ayurvedic therapies, experienced practitioners, and a focus on long-term well-being, helping individuals restore vitality and thyroid health naturally.


Sudhirdutt Gawandalkar is the Business Head of Adyant Ayurveda, a leading Ayurvedic treatment center in Bangalore. He has over 15 years of experience in the Ayurvedic industry and has a deep understanding of the principles of Ayurveda. Sudhirdutt is responsible for the overall management of Adyant Ayurveda, including the development of new treatment programs, the marketing of the center, and the training of staff.