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Post Delivery care in Ayurveda

Post-delivery care, known as “Sutika Paricharya” or “Sutika Ahara Vihara,” is an important aspect of Ayurveda that focuses on the well-being of both the mother and the newborn during the postpartum period. This period is considered crucial for the physical and mental recovery of the mother, as well as the healthy development of the baby. Here are some general principles and practices for post-delivery care in Ayurveda

About Post-delivery care in Ayurveda

Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced and nourishing diet during the postpartum period to support the mother’s recovery and promote the healthy development of the baby. The diet recommendations take into account the mother’s constitution (Prakriti), the season, and any imbalances that may have arisen during childbirth. Here are some general dietary guidelines for postpartum care in Ayurveda

Ayurveda places great importance on postnatal care to support the physical and mental well-being of both the mother and the newborn during the delicate period following childbirth. This phase, known as “Sutika Paricharya” or “Sutika Ahara Vihara,” involves a range of practices and principles designed to facilitate recovery, promote healing, and establish a strong foundation for the baby’s health. Here’s how Ayurveda views postnatal care:

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to postnatal care, focusing on the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of both the mother and the newborn. The specific treatment plan will vary based on the individual’s constitution (Prakriti), imbalances (Vikriti), and the circumstances of childbirth. Here are some Ayurvedic treatments that are commonly used for postnatal care:

Post Delivery care in Ayurveda

Abhyanga (Oil Massage): Abhyanga involves a gentle and nurturing full-body massage using warm herbal-infused oils. It helps improve circulation, relaxes muscles, and supports the body’s healing process. Abhyanga can be particularly beneficial for reducing Vata dosha and promoting relaxation and emotional well-being.

Sitz Baths and Herbal Steam: Herbal sitz baths or steam baths with specific herbs help cleanse and heal the pelvic area, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair. This treatment can aid in recovery from childbirth and alleviate discomfort.

Swedana (Herbal Steam Therapy): Swedana involves steam therapy using herbal infusions. It helps open up the channels, eliminate toxins, and improve circulation. Herbal steam therapy can be used to promote relaxation, alleviate muscle tension, and support postpartum recovery.

Dhara (Oil Pouring): Dhara is a therapeutic treatment where warm herbal oils or herbal liquids are poured in a gentle stream over specific areas of the body. This treatment can be tailored to address specific postpartum issues like muscle stiffness, fatigue, and mental stress.

Udvartana (Herbal Scrub Massage): Udvartana is a herbal scrub massage that helps improve circulation, reduce excess Vata, and promote lymphatic drainage. It can aid in toning the muscles, improving skin texture, and boosting energy levels.

Nasya (Nasal Therapy): Nasya involves applying herbal oils or medicated drops to the nostrils. It can be beneficial for postpartum congestion, headaches, and promoting mental clarity.

Best Ayurveda herbs for Post-natal care (Mother)

Ayurvedic medicines and formulations for postnatal care are designed to support the mother’s recovery, boost immunity, promote healthy lactation, and balance the body’s energies. However, it’s important to note that the selection of specific medicines should be based on individual constitution (Prakriti), any imbalances (Vikriti), and the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Here are some commonly used Ayurvedic medicines and herbs for postnatal care:

Shatavari :Shatavari is renowned for its ability to support female reproductive health, hormonal balance, and lactation. It is often recommended for enhancing breast milk production and promoting postpartum recovery.

Ashwagandha : Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that can help alleviate stress, support energy levels, and promote overall well-being during the postpartum period.

Guduchi: Guduchi is known for its immunomodulatory properties. It can help boost immunity and aid in the body’s healing process after childbirth.

Dashamoola: Dashamoola is a blend of ten roots, traditionally used to balance Vata dosha, reduce inflammation, and promote postpartum healing. It is available in various forms, including herbal teas and oils.

Vidarikand : Vidarikand is used to support lactation, strengthen the body, and provide nourishment during the postpartum period.

Triphala: Triphala is a combination of three fruits (amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki) known for their detoxifying and digestive benefits. It can help regulate digestion, eliminate toxins, and support overall well-being.

Yogaraj Guggulu: This traditional Ayurvedic formulation contains a blend of herbs and guggulu resin. It is often used to alleviate postpartum joint discomfort, muscle stiffness, and inflammation.

Lohasava and Dhatri Loh: These are Ayurvedic iron supplements that can help replenish iron levels after childbirth and support postpartum recovery.

Bala : Bala is used to promote strength, nourishment, and rejuvenation during the postpartum period. It can support physical recovery and enhance energy levels.

Haritaki : Haritaki is a well-known herb that supports digestion, elimination, and overall cleansing, which can be beneficial for postpartum recovery.

Kutaja : Kutaja is traditionally used to support digestive health and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort that may arise during the postpartum period.

Diet for post-delivery according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced and nourishing diet during the postpartum period to support the mother’s recovery and promote the healthy development of the baby. The diet recommendations take into account the mother’s constitution (Prakriti), the season, and any imbalances that may have arisen during childbirth. Here are some general dietary guidelines for postpartum care in Ayurveda:

Warm and Cooked Foods: Warm, cooked, and easily digestible foods are preferred during the postpartum period. These foods are believed to enhance digestion and prevent the accumulation of toxins. Avoid raw and cold foods.

Ghee: Ghee (clarified butter) is highly valued in Ayurveda for its nourishing and healing properties. It is often included in postpartum diets to support digestion, strengthen tissues, and promote lactation.

Grains: Incorporate a variety of cooked grains like rice, quinoa, barley, and oats. Grains provide energy and nutrients necessary for recovery.

Protein-Rich Foods: Include lentils, beans, tofu, and well-cooked meats if non-vegetarian. Protein supports tissue repair and muscle strength.

Vegetables: Choose cooked and easily digestible vegetables such as carrots, zucchini, spinach, and beets. These provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Fruits: Opt for ripe, sweet fruits like bananas, cooked apples, and pears. Avoid excessive consumption of sour and citrus fruits.

Spices: Use warming and digestive spices like ginger, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fenugreek. These spices enhance digestion and promote healing.

Herbal Tea: Herbal teas made from herbs like fennel, fenugreek, cumin, and chamomile can support digestion and lactation.

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds provide healthy fats, protein, and nutrients. Soaking nuts and seeds before consumption can enhance their digestibility.

Hydration: Drink warm fluids such as herbal teas, warm water, and soups to stay hydrated and support digestion.

Avoid Heavy and Difficult-to-Digest Foods: Foods that are hard to digest, heavy, and oily should be limited. This includes deep-fried foods and rich desserts.

Limit Spicy and Gassy Foods: Spicy foods and gas-producing foods like beans and cabbage should be consumed in moderation to prevent digestive discomfort.

Small, Frequent Meals: Eat smaller, balanced meals throughout the day to maintain stable energy levels and support digestion.

Bone Broths: Nourishing bone broths, made from organic and hormone-free sources, can provide essential nutrients and support tissue healing.

Avoid Stimulants: Limit or avoid caffeine, as it can disrupt sleep and potentially affect lactation.

Ayurveda treatment protocol for baby post delivery

Ayurveda places significant emphasis on the well-being of both the mother and the newborn during the postnatal period. While the mother’s health and recovery are crucial, Ayurveda also provides guidelines for the care of the newborn to ensure proper growth, development, and overall health. Here are some Ayurvedic principles and practices for postnatal care for the baby:

Oil Massage (Abhyanga): Gentle oil massage using herbal-infused oils is recommended for the baby. This helps promote healthy growth, improve circulation, and strengthen the baby’s muscles and bones.

Swaddling: Swaddling the baby in soft, breathable cloths provides a sense of security, warmth, and comfort. Swaddling can also help prevent the baby from being disturbed by sudden movements.

Warmth: Keeping the baby warm is essential. Avoid exposing the baby to cold drafts or low temperatures, especially during the first few weeks.

Breastfeeding: Breast milk is considered the best and most balanced nutrition for the baby. Ayurveda encourages exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life to support healthy growth and development.

Herbal Supplements (if needed): Depending on the baby’s constitution and any specific needs, Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend certain herbal supplements to support digestion, immunity, and overall well-being.

Oral Care: Gently cleaning the baby’s mouth with a soft, clean cloth after feeding can help maintain oral hygiene.

Avoidance of Overstimulation: Babies are sensitive to external stimuli. It’s advisable to keep the baby in a calm and peaceful environment, avoiding excessive noise, bright lights, and overwhelming stimuli.

Mother-Baby Bonding: Close contact with the mother, including skin-to-skin contact, promotes bonding and emotional well-being for the baby. It also helps regulate the baby’s body temperature and supports breastfeeding.

Natural Bathing: Gentle bathing using warm water is recommended for the baby. Avoid harsh soaps and shampoos, as they can disrupt the baby’s delicate skin balance.

Balancing Vata Dosha: Babies are considered to have a delicate and developing constitution with high Vata dosha. Practices that help balance Vata, such as warmth, nourishment, and soothing routines, are beneficial.

Massage with Specially Formulated Baby Oils: Ayurvedic baby massage oils are formulated to be gentle and nourishing for the baby’s delicate skin. Massaging the baby’s body can support circulation, digestion, and relaxation.


Post-delivery care, known as “Sutika Paricharya” or “Sutika Ahara Vihara,” is an important aspect of Ayurveda that focuses on the well-being of both the mother and the newborn during the postpartum period. This period is considered crucial for the physical and mental recovery of the mother, as well as the healthy development of the baby. Here are some general principles and practices for post-delivery care in Ayurveda:

Rest and Rejuvenation: Adequate rest and sleep are essential for the mother’s recovery. The postpartum period is seen as a time for rejuvenation, where the body is supported in its natural healing process.

Balanced Diet: The mother is advised to follow a nourishing and easily digestible diet. Warm, cooked, and well-spiced foods are recommended. Nutrient-rich foods like ghee, milk, grains, lentils, vegetables, and fruits are emphasized.

Warm Oil Massage (Abhyanga): Gentle oil massage using specific herbal oils helps improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and support the body’s healing process. It also helps prevent postpartum depression and promotes relaxation.

Herbal Baths (Sitz Baths): Herbal baths, also known as sitz baths, are recommended to help cleanse and heal the genital area. Herbs like neem, tulsi, and turmeric can be added to warm water for these baths.

Bindi or Belly Wrapping: Tying a warm cloth around the abdomen helps support the abdominal muscles, reduce swelling, and provide a sense of comfort.

Herbal Supplementation: Certain herbs and herbal preparations are prescribed to aid in recovery and boost immunity. However, it’s important to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before taking any herbal supplements.

Avoidance of Cold and Windy Environments: The mother is advised to avoid exposure to cold drafts, wind, and cold foods, as they can disrupt the delicate balance of the body’s energies.

Emotional Support: Emotional and psychological well-being is emphasized. Positive thoughts, relaxation techniques, and spending time with loved ones contribute to mental wellness.

Breastfeeding and Lactation Support: Ayurveda encourages breastfeeding and provides guidelines for a mother’s diet and lifestyle to promote healthy lactation and baby’s growth.

Gradual Resumption of Activities: Physical activities and exercise are gradually reintroduced, depending on the mother’s strength and energy levels. Yoga and gentle stretches can help improve flexibility and strength.

Hydration: Drinking warm fluids, such as herbal teas and soups, helps keep the body hydrated and aids in digestion.

Avoidance of Stimulants and Heavy Foods: Caffeine, spicy foods, and heavy-to-digest foods are generally advised to be avoided during the postpartum period.


Sudhirdutt Gawandalkar is the Business Head of Adyant Ayurveda, a leading Ayurvedic treatment center in Bangalore. He has over 15 years of experience in the Ayurvedic industry and has a deep understanding of the principles of Ayurveda. Sudhirdutt is responsible for the overall management of Adyant Ayurveda, including the development of new treatment programs, the marketing of the center, and the training of staff.

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