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Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments

Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, offers a wealth of natural remedies for common ailments. These remedies not only provide relief but also promote overall wellness by restoring balance to the body and mind. Here are some effective Ayurvedic home remedies that you can try for various health issues:

1. Nausea

  • Water with Sugar and Salt: A simple solution for nausea is drinking plenty of water mixed with a pinch of sugar and salt.
  • Ginger, Garlic, and Salt Water: Boil water with ginger, garlic, and salt, then drink it to soothe the stomach.
  • Coconut Water & Lemon Juice: Drinking coconut water mixed with lemon juice can help alleviate nausea.
  • Cumin, Ela, and Clove Water: Boil cumin seeds, cloves, and elaichi (cardamom) in water and drink for relief.

2. Insect in the Ear

  • Salted Water: Pouring a few drops of salted water into the ear can help draw out an insect.

3. Warts

  • Calotropis Latex: Apply the latex of Calotropis (Aak) directly on the wart to reduce its size.
  • Garlic Paste: Apply garlic paste on warts for a natural remedy.
  • Aloe Vera Gel: Apply fresh aloe vera gel on warts to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Pineapple Paste: A paste made from fresh pineapple can help in wart removal.

4. Mouth Ulcers

  • Ayamodaka Seed Paste: Apply a paste made from Ayamodaka seeds for relief from mouth ulcers.
  • Honey: Apply honey directly to the ulcer to promote healing.
  • Spanish Jasmine Paste: A paste made from Spanish Jasmine can help reduce pain and swelling.

5. Eye Pain

  • Coriander Seeds Water: Boil ½ tsp of crushed fresh coriander seeds in two glasses of water. Once cooled, use the water to wash the eyes.
  • Breast Milk: Applying a few drops of breast milk in the eyes can relieve irritation.
  • Cold Water: Washing your eyes with cold water can offer instant relief.

6. Insect Bites

  • Neem and Turmeric Paste: Make a paste of neem leaves and turmeric, and apply it on the bite site to reduce swelling and prevent infection.
  • Spider Bite: Apply a paste of Tulsi (holy basil) and turmeric on spider bites for relief.

7. Stomach Pain

  • Nutmeg and Honey: Mix ½ tsp of nutmeg powder with honey and take it orally to relieve stomach pain.
  • Ginger and Salt: Combine 1 tsp of ginger juice with a pinch of salt and consume it for relief.
  • Mint Leaves: Chew 2–3 mint leaves and drink water to soothe stomach discomfort.

8. Sputum Expectoration

  • Lemon and Honey: Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with honey in hot water and drink it to help expel sputum.
  • Ginger, Lemon, Pepper, and Sugar: Combine ginger juice, lemon juice, pepper powder, and crystal sugar to help clear the throat.

9. Sensitive Teeth

  • Tender Mango Leaves: Chew tender mango leaves to soothe sensitive teeth.
  • Kalonji (Nigella Seeds): Chew Kalonji to strengthen gums and reduce tooth sensitivity.

10. Toothache

  • Cloves, Honey, and Ginger: Make a paste of crushed cloves, honey, and ginger extract, and apply it to the affected tooth.
  • Sesame Seed Gargle: Gargle with boiled sesame seed water or apply sesame seed paste to the tooth.
  • Warm Salt Water: Gargle with warm water mixed with salt for relief from toothache.

11. Tooth Discoloration

  • Charcoal of Paddy Cover: Brush with paddy cover charcoal mixed with salt to whiten teeth.
  • Ginger, Salt, and Turmeric Powder: Brush teeth with a mixture of ginger powder, salt, and turmeric powder to reduce discoloration.

12. Fire Burns

  • Coconut Oil and Egg White: Apply a mixture of coconut oil and egg white on the burned area for relief.
  • Honey: Honey can be applied to the burn site to promote healing and prevent infection.

13. Split Ends in Hair

  • Lemon Juice: Apply lemon juice directly to the split ends of your hair to reduce damage and promote healthy growth.

14. Gas Trouble

  • Curry Leaves and Sour Buttermilk: Make a paste of curry leaves and mix it with sour buttermilk to relieve gas trouble.
  • Nutmeg and Honey: Take ½ tsp of nutmeg powder mixed with honey for relief from bloating and gas.
  • Cumin and Cloves: Chew cumin seeds and cloves for quick digestion and gas relief.

15. Fever

  • Tulsi and Honey: Drink an infusion of Tulsi (holy basil) and honey to bring down a fever.
  • Ginger, Coriander, and Water: Boil dried ginger and coriander in water and drink intermittently to reduce fever.
  • Garlic, Ela, and Pepper Decoction: Boil garlic, Elaichi, dried ginger, Krishna Tulsi, and pepper to make a decoction and drink for fever relief.

16. Heel Pain

  • Hot and Cold Water Soak: Alternate between hot and cold water soaks for 20 minutes to reduce heel pain.

17. Sore Throat

  • Cumin, Ginger, and Crystal Sugar Powder: Take a mixture of powdered cumin seeds, dried ginger, and crystal sugar intermittently for throat relief.
  • Ela and Cloves: Chew elaichi (cardamom) and cloves to soothe a sore throat.

18. Menstrual Pain

  • Ginger Tea: Drink ginger tea to reduce menstrual cramps and discomfort.
  • Hot Milk with Ghee: Take one glass of hot milk mixed with ghee to alleviate menstrual pain.
  • Mint Water: Drink water boiled with mint leaves to reduce menstrual discomfort.

19. Constipation

  • Black Dried Grapes: Soak black dried grapes overnight, squeeze them in the morning, and take the juice to ease constipation.
  • Castor Oil and Milk: Take 1 tsp of castor oil mixed with milk before bedtime to relieve constipation.

20. Dandruff

  • Fenugreek Paste: Apply a paste of fenugreek seeds on the scalp for 15–20 minutes, then wash out to treat dandruff.
  • Hot Oil Treatment: Apply hot oil to the scalp, leave for half an hour, and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

These Ayurvedic remedies provide natural solutions for a variety of common health issues. Whether you’re dealing with a stomach ache, sore throat, or hair problems, Ayurveda offers holistic approaches to healing. For personalized Ayurvedic treatments, visit Adyant Ayurveda or call +91 9972541009 for consultations and more information.

By embracing Ayurveda, you’re not just treating the symptoms but also restoring balance to your body’s internal systems.

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Sudhirdutt Gawandalkar is the Business Head of Adyant Ayurveda, a leading Ayurvedic treatment center in Bangalore. He has over 15 years of experience in the Ayurvedic industry and has a deep understanding of the principles of Ayurveda. Sudhirdutt is responsible for the overall management of Adyant Ayurveda, including the development of new treatment programs, the marketing of the center, and the training of staff.

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