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Ayurveda treatment for H Pylori

Ayurveda treatment for H Pylori

Ayurveda treatment for H Pylori

Let’s have an overview of the approach of Ayurveda toward H Pylori and ayurvedic treatment for H.Pylori. What is H.Pylori? It is a very commonly found bacterial infection of the stomach, the causative factor being Helicobacter Pylori.

What causes H.Pylori infection?

Most of the time a person may have the bacteria for years and not be aware of it as they may not observe any sickness due to this bacteria. The symptoms can manifest when the bacteria infects the lining of the stomach. The spread of this infection can happen from one person to another person if there is direct contact through saliva, vomit or stools. Sometimes, it can also be spread through contaminated food or water.

When is a person prone to infection?

Many times infection can happen during childhood. The risk of infection can increase when many people live in a small area, also if there is no proper supply of clean drinking water or in improper sanitary conditions. What are the signs and symptoms? Abdominal pain, many times burning in nature. Pain in the stomach may be more when the stomach is empty. Nausea or vomiting sensation. Reduced appetite. Bloating. Weight loss without any causative factors. Medical advice is needed when abdominal pain keeps persisting or if it disturbs sleep, stools start to turn dark or black in nature and if vomiting occurs that is dark in colour or associated with blood.

What does Ayurveda say about H.pylori? Ayurveda treatment for H Pylori

Ayurveda is the science of life which emphasizes balancing the three basic principles Vata-Pitta-Kapha. An imbalance in these factors can lead to illness. A derangement in Pitta Dosha is one of the main causes of digestive disorders.  

Let’s have an overview of Grahani!!

According to Ayurveda, the role of Agni is of utmost importance for the proper functioning of the whole body. When the metabolism is appropriate, proper digestion of food and excretion of waste happens. If there is improper functioning of Agni, it leads to malabsorption and undigested food altering the equilibrium of the Amashaya(alimentary canal). Grahani is a term basically referring to the duodenum in Ayurveda. When there is a vitiation of Agni leading to malfunctioning in the Grahani or intestines, it results in Grahani Roga. The main symptoms include passing of stools, hard and loose bowel habits, tastelessness, acid eruptions, excessive thirst and weakness. Some common herbs used in the treatment of H Pylori like Amala, Mulethi, Ginger, Kumari, etc

How does Ayurveda approach H Pylori?

Ayurveda emphasizes balancing all the three doshas-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha to maintain health. As Pitta dosha is primarily affected in H Pylori, sometimes leading to Amlapitta or acidity, heartburn, and sometimes nausea or vomiting, causing Ama. Ama results in bloating, burping and alteration in bowel habits. The focus is to bring a balance between pitta dosha and the removal of Ama through palliative medications and therapies in severe cases. Food supplements which alleviate pitta dosha like Cumin, fennel, coriander, ginger, turmeric etc are beneficial supplements in food. Ayurveda is most beneficial with its holistic approach in giving a wonderful results and pacifying HPylori infection.      

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